Cristin Flynn Goodwin 

Cristin Flynn Goodwin is a globally recognized leader in cybersecurity and technology law. She has 25 years of experience developing laws, policies, products, and services across every aspect of cybersecurity imaginable. Over 17 years as Microsoft, with 15 of those years spent as the company’s lead attorney for incident response, cybersecurity, threat intelligence, risk management, critical infrastructure protection, law & regulation, source code assurance, government engagement, and sharing programs, just to name a few. Deep expertise in building businesses, corporate policy and planning, building technology (think AI now, or early threat intel), risk and supply chain management, and leveraging data to tell stories. 8 years in Washington DC engaging on law and policy development across all aspects of government, and over 20 years working on law and policy worldwide. If you can think of an issue in cybersecurity since Y2K, Cristin’s worked on it.

Cristin’s been a leading voice on cybersecurity for many years, in the news and on the main stage at NATO CyCon and OneConference, and has presented on cybersecurity more times than she can remember. Some featured keynotes and discussions can be found on the “News and Media” page.

Cristin is also deeply committed to growing women in cybersecurity. She has been the chair of Microsoft Women in Cybersecurity and works hard to bring new voices from women and allies into the security community.

About Cristin

Cristin lives in the Pacific Northwest with her two teenage kids. Her German Shepherd and two cats feature prominently on Cristin’s social media accounts, too. When she’s not working, Cristin loves to chase the snow and loves downhill skiing, ski racing, and ski touring.  In the summer, she still loves skiing, but is usually found on her paddleboard or at a lake. Amazingly, she doesn’t drink coffee.